Sunday 2 February 2014

Quilting Quest: In Stitches

Quilting Quest (In Stitches)Unlocked at Level 25 
This quest unlocks the Quilting hobby and the time-limited Patchwork Teddy.

Complete this set within the time limit 4 days to unlock an exclusive patchwork teddy.

The Quilting quest: (Last verified with the Glitz and Glam update, Sept. 2015).

- Call a Friend (4 mins on 3star phone)
- Bring a Sim to the park
- Gaze serenely on a park bench (9 Hrs)
- Ask a Sim about the serene gaze (3 mins 42 secs, special interaction with another Sim)
- Cook Pizza (40 mins)
- Give some Pizza to another Sim (1 Hr, special interaction with another Sim)
- Feed ducks (12 mins, toddler 4 mins, in park only)
- Paint a picture (3 Hrs)
- Freak out over amazing picture (1 min, use easel)
- Draw out a chess game (24 Hrs 20 mins)
- High five a Sim (needs two friends, not good or best!)
- Call the old Sim back (4 mins on a 3 star phone)
- Get overexcited at another Sim (1 min, interaction with another Sim)
- Search for Quilting Online (4 mins 57 secs on 3 star computer)
- Drive to the quilt fair (24 Hrs 20 mins)
- Make a fancy coffee (4 mins on a 3 star coffee machine)
- Grow potatoes (2 Hrs)
- Heat hands in warm water (5 mins 30 secs, use sink)
- Play 'Quilting mama' game (11 hrs 30 mins on 3 star TV)
- Get the quilting kit (Cost § 2,500)

- Call a Friend (4 mins on 3star phone)
(Life is feeling just a little tougher than usual today in Sim town.
Call a friend to vent.)

- Bring a Sim to the park
(How strange, the line got crossed and an old Sim answered the phone. She seemed so happy with life that it's hard not to feel a bit jealous of her. There's got to be a reason why! She did mention she likes the park. Why not try there?
Get a Sim to the park and see what's happening.)

- Gaze serenely on a park bench (9 Hrs)
(Here we are at the Park then. There sure seems to be a lot of relaxing things to explore there, but your Sims head is abuzz with noise! One of these park benches seems like a good place to sit and think about what to investigate first. Gaze Serenely on a Park Bench.)

- Ask a Sim about the serene gaze (3 mins 42 secs, special interaction with another Sim)
(Wow did you see the Sim sitting there on the bench? They sure looked peaceful, as if all the worries of their world were just melting away!
Question another Sim about the serene gaze on their face.)

- Cook Pizza (40 mins)
(Interesting. It seems the park has an incredibly calming effect on a Sim. Perhaps there are more things to explore here but first it's time to give a hungry Sim some food! Have a Sim some delicious Pizza at home.)

- Give some Pizza to another Sim (1 Hr, special interaction with another Sim)
 (It's strange but making that Pizza felt strangely soothing. The patchwork look of the tasty ingredients and the warm cheesy flavour really can sooth a Sims jangled nerves from time to time. Your Sim made too much pizza though!
Take a slice and give it to another Sim.)

- Feed ducks (12 mins, toddler 4 mins, in park only)
(It was super nice of that Sim to give over the pie and all, but sadly they gave it to a Sim with an apple allergy. Take the slice to the park and give it to the ducks. They'll probably get really hyper over all the sugar as an added bonus too!) 

[Please note, they did not update the text to reflect the change from Pie to Pizza]

- Paint a picture (3 Hrs)
(Seeing that Sim sitting there in the warm air feeding those ducks looked really comforting. That image is locked into your Sims mind, but only for the moment! Get your Sim to paint a picture of it before they forget all about it!
Note: To paint a picture you'll need an easel. You can buy one in the Promotions R Us store located on the Sim town map!)

- Freak out over amazing picture (1 min, use easel)
(Wow did you see that incredible, colorful painting? It's enough to put a Sim into one the best moods of their Simmy little lives!
Get a Sim to freak out over the amazing picture!)

- Draw out a chess game (24 Hrs 20 mins)
(Look at that Sim freaking out like that! They looked far too excited to be looking at a bunch of colors slapped on a canvas page! A long, drawn out, peaceful game of chess is what a level headed Sim really needs. Head over to a chessboard and play a long drawn out game of chess.
Note: If your Senior Sims are taking a while to get around try 'inspiring' them to get those feet moving again!)

- High five a Sim (needs two friends, not good or best!)
(That was an amazing game of chess! The pattern on the chess board really jumped out too! Kind of like, patchwork you might say.
High five a Sim to celebrate how awesome that chess game was!)

- Call the old Sim back (4 mins on a 3 star phone)
(One can't help but notice there have been a lot of happy Sims around the place lately. The warm expression of the relaxing Sim in the park, the comforting taste of pizza,
the colorful look of the painting, and the patchwork pattern of a chess game. Warm, comforting, colourful and patterned. There's something in that, and I bet the old Sim would know what. Get a Sim to call the Old Sim Back.)

- Get overexcited at another Sim (1 min, interaction with another Sim)
(That old Sim is one smart cookie! They said a patchwork quilt is just what your Sims are looking for!
Have two Sims get overexcited at one another upon hearing this revelation!)

- Search for Quilting Online (4 mins 57 secs on 3 star computer)
(A quilt may be the distilled elements of happiness itself in a colorful jamboree of comfort and creativity, but how on earth does a Sim make one? Search for quilting on the internet quick smart!)

- Drive to the quilt fair (24 Hrs 20 mins)
(According to the infinite wisdom of the interwebs, there seems to be some kind of quilt making fair happening right now! The only bad news is that it's miles out of town but there's still time! Have a Sim drive to the quilt making fair!)

- Make a fancy coffee (4 mins on a 3 star coffee machine)
(That quilt fair was very informative! Exhausted though your Sim may be they're too excited about this to sleep now. Have a fancy coffee to keep those Sim eyeballs wide open!)

- Grow potatoes (2 Hrs)
(According to the quilt fair any quilt maker worth their salt needs strong hands! To really callous a Sims mitts they need to dig around in the soil. Grow some potatoes.)

- Heat hands in warm water (5 mins 30 secs, use sink)
(Another tidbit from the quilt fair is, it turns out heating your hands in warm running water to make them more adept at sewing fantastic quilts is a thing! Worst case scenario your Sim will have sparkling clean hands so let's find out if it's true! Heat a Sims hands in warm water.)

- Play 'Quilting mama' game (11 hrs 30 mins on 3 star TV)
(The hands are ready but your Sims need training! Since they're not old enough to do real quilting yet, they'll have to practice in the virtual world by playing the latest quilt related motion controlled video game! Quilting Mama! Play Quilting Mama on a TV.)

- Get the quilting kit (Cost § 2,500)
(All set. The Sims are excited and colorful patchworks are set to flood everybody's lives with joy! Get the quilting kit so the senior Sims can start making life into a quilted reality for everyone! Note: You can find the Quilting Kit at the Promotions 'R' Us store. Only Senior Sims can use it.)

 For finishing the quest in record time, you've unlocked an exclusive patchwork teddy! Find it in the Home Store!

Note: Unlocking does NOT mean Free! You need to buy it for § 28,000!

Rewards for completing collections:
1st completion of collection unlocks Lazy Patch Chair

2nd completion of collection unlocks Patchwork Couch
3rd completion
of collection unlocks Patchwork Bed

Happy Simming!

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