"The Sims Freeplay" quests and tips.
Available for Android/Kindle and iOS (Apple) devices.
Monday 17 February 2014
Quest: Higher Education
Higher Education:
Unlocked at Level 19 to
gain access to the High School building on the Town
time limit or reward for this quest.
note that the times for certain objects may vary, they depend on the
quality (star level).
Last checked on Family Furnishings update (July 2019)
Watch the News (4 mins) -
Call Mom (48 secs) -
Build the Town Hall (20 hrs 30 mins, skips if Town Hall is already built) -
Start A New Career at the Town Hall (Politician) -
Make a Speech at the Park (12 mins) -
Cook Double Smoked Pulled Pork on a BBQ (17+ hrs at home, 19 hrs 30 mins at
Park) -
Bribe Ducks with Caviar (11 hrs 30 mins => toddler 4 mins!) -
Be Inconspicuous on a Park Bench (2 mins 42 secs) -
Get promoted to Level Two at the Town Hall (Politician, skips if you have one on level 2 already) -
Call the mayor (4 mins) -
Have a Deep Sleep (6 hrs 30 mins) Cancelled -
Announce Grand Opening on Soapbox in the Park (13 hours)Cancelled
Watch the News (4 mins)
(Uh-oh, there’s a protest at the Town Hall! Watch the news and find out
what’s going on.) -
Call Mom (48 secs)
(The residents of Sim Town are protesting because they want Sim Town to
start setting up the facilities to educate teenagers.
I guess we need to build a high school! But how does one build a high
school? Best Call Mom.)
Build the Town Hall (20 hrs 30 mins, skipped if Town Hall is built)
(The Town Hall is responsible for approving the high school. Trouble is
that you don’t have a Town Hall yet. I guess it’s time to build the
Town Hall! And yes, it is a little strange that protests have been held
at a Town Hall that doesn’t exist yet. Maybe someone at the Science Lab
has been tinkering with the space time continuum again. Build the Town
Hall on the Town Map.)
Start A New Career at the Town Hall (Politician)
(If your Sim gets a job as a politician, they should be able to push
through the plans to build the high school! Get a Sim to start a NEW
career at the Town Hall.)
Make a Speech at the Park (12 mins)
(Your Sim wants to make a speech to the people of Sim Town about their
plans to build Sim Town High School. Get your Sim to use the soapbox at
the park to make a speech.)
Cook Double Smoked Pulled Pork on a BBQ (17+ hrs at home, 19 hrs 30 mins at
(Awesome, now it’s time to win the citizens of Sim Town over by filling
their stomachs! Use a BBQ in the park to cook Double Smoked Pulled
Bribe Ducks with Caviar (11 hrs 30 mins => toddler 4 mins!)
(Did you remember to bribe the ducks? You're going to need their
support if you're going to push these high school plans through.
Everybody's vote counts! Bribe the ducks in the park.)
Be Inconspicuous on a Park Bench (2 mins 42 secs)
(Your Sim feels slightly self conscious for having spent 24 hours
bribing ducks with caviar. Quick, go sit on a park bench and be
inconspicuous. Let’s pretend this never happened.)
Get promoted to Level Two at the Town Hall (Politician, skips if you have one on level 2 already)
(You're going to need to be a more widely renowned politician if you're
going to push these plans through. Get a promotion! You should only
need to go to work twice to get a promotion... or if you’ve already
built Promotions ‘R’ Us, you could pick up a Mirror and practice speech
making! Both are good options!)
Call the mayor (4 mins)
(Congratulations on your promotion! It's time to make the final push
for the high school plans. Use a Phone to Call the Mayor and lodge the
application for the high school's building permit.)
Have a Deep Sleep (6 hrs 30 mins) Cancelled
the application has been lodged. While we wait, your Sim has decided to
have a well earned rest. Have a Sim take a Deep Sleep in a bed.)
Announce Grand Opening on Soapbox in the Park (13 hours) Cancelled
(The Mayor just called, the High School's building permit has been
approved! You have to tell everyone about it! Head to the park, hop on
a soapbox, and announce the grand opening!)