Pre-teens can only earn 'pocket' money by going to school. For your pre-teen you can pick one of the available classes. Their levelling system works with grades.
Requires: Elementary School
Attendance lasts 5 hours
1. E - unknown
2. D - unknown
3. C - § 130 & XP 400 (Starting level/grade)
4. C+ - § 240 & XP 450
5. B - § 310 & XP 500
6. B+ - § 390 & XP 525
7. A. § 480 & XP 550
8. A+ - § 600 & XP 600
9. A++ - § 645 & XP 650
10. A+++ - § 700 & XP 800
Can use any "Study Desk" from the pre-teen section of the home-store.
Levelling up by "Cram" at a study desk takes only 2 hrs per grade!
Note: You can not attend more than one class per day.
High School (Teens):
This works the same as the Elementary School for pre-teens, but with different levels and the extra High School building.
Note: Teens can NOT use desks from pre-teens!!!
Requires: High School
Attendance lasts 5 hours.
1. Junior Student - § 300 & XP 300
2. Hall Monitor - § 400 & XP 350
3. Teacher's Pet - § 450 & XP 400
4. School Band Leader - § 500 & XP 450
5. Senior Student - § 550 & XP 500
6. Tutor - § 600 & XP 525
7. Valedictorian - § 800 & XP 550
Can only use the Teen Study Desk to level up.
Using 3 hour research gives 50% up to level 4, 25% for the remaining levels.
Level 1-4: 50 %
Level 5/6: 25%
Information on Careers can be found here:
Happy Simming!
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