Monday 2 November 2015

Discovery Quest: Saved by the Spell

Discovery Quest: Saved by the Spell

Available from Tuesday the 3rd of November!

The Wizard has returned and is lost in the Park. Go there now to help him and gain access to new magical items and activities!

Begin this quest to help the Wizard and return magic back to SimTown. Doing so will unlock new magical activities and items including:
-The Potion Brewing Hobby
-The Wizard's Cottage template (time-limited
reward, unlocked if completed within 7 Days)

The Wizard's magic no longer works, and he's trapped outside of his home. Help him return magic to all of SimTown, and unlock new magical items and activities for your Sims!

Please note: the Wizard Cottage template (which you unlock as a time-limited rweard and can build in your town) is the identical to the one you're visiting during the quest if build on a small lot. It has an extra building on large lots, but lacks the fences/surroundings. 

Make sure to save to the cloud often, some tasks might cause freezes, crashes, or simply can't be completed due to bugs. Uninstalling and reinstalling might be necessary to recover or fix the issues! (Use the green ... menu, then the cloud icon!) 
The wizard might not show up in his house at the one-before-last task (High-five), try different things, going to other houses, town view, rebooting and yes, waiting for up to 5 mins. If nothing helps, reinstalling might be your last option. Many people seem to have this issue, but hasn't been acknowledge by EA/FM yet (no surprise there).

- Talk to the Wizard (1 min)
- Examine the Crystal Ball
- Ask the Wizard (1 min, use the Crystal ball to get back to the park)
- Read 'Real world magic' (1 hr, 3-star)
- Invite a Sim to a dinner party (3 hrs 15 mins)
- Send 2 Sims to the Park
- Explain about imagination (5 hrs 15 mins)
- Have 2 Sims sit at the dinner table (5 mins)
- Check in with the Wizard (1 hr 15 mins)
- Dream of magic (19 hrs, 3-star)
- Tell a Sim about dream (5 mins)
- Dance wildly in the rain (12 hrs 15 mins, no rain needed)
- Have 2 sims kiss in the rain (1 min)
- Do NOT copy or take screenshots, use links!

- Talk to the Wizard (15 mins)
- Talk to the Werewolf (5 hrs 15 mins, in the park)
- Think about the Werewolf (19 hrs, 3-star)
- Record a video apology (5 mins, in the park)
- Upload video of apology (4 hrs, 3-star)
- Show in the date's response (12 hrs 15 mins, in the park)
- High-five the Werewolf (3 secs)
- Check in with the Wizard (3 hrs 50 mins)
- Think about the origin of magic (19 hrs, 3-star)
- Tell the Wizard about real magic (12hrs 15 mins)
- Use the Crystal ball again
- High-five the Wizard (1 sec)
- Leave the Wizard's cottage (Use the go-home on the tracker, Crystal Balls don't seem to work)

- Talk to the Wizard (1 min)
  (The Wizard stands in the Park without a magical aura around him. He looks distraught and lost.
Have a Sim talk to the Wizard in the Park.)

- Examine the Crystal Ball
  (The Wizard wants to go home, but his crystal ball doesn't work! It's as though the belief in magic has left SimTown. He sets the crystal on the ground and tells your Sim to have a look.
Have a Sim examine the crystal ball in the Park.)

- Ask the Wizard (1 min)
  (Zap! Your Sim appears at the Wizard's Cottage, and it looks quite improved! But, why can your Sim use magic if the Wizard can't?
Have a Sim 'Ask' the Wizard about magic in the Park.
Note: Use the crystal ball at the Wizard's Cottage to return there.)

- Read 'Real world magic' (1 hr, 3-star)
  (The Wizard strokes his beard, then says "You have true magic. Maybe if the whole SimTown believed in magic, I'd get my powers back!" How can a Sim convince others that magic exists?
Have a Sim read "Real World Magic" from a bookshelf.)

- Invite a Sim to a dinner party (3 hrs 15 mins)
  (The book says that magic exists everywhere, and isn't always about performing tricks. A child's imagination is magical, for instance. Hmmm…. Would an imaginary dinner party help the Wizard?
Have a Sim invite another Sim to a dinner party.)

- Send 2 Sims to the Park
  (Your Sim's friend accepted the party invitation. Your Sim feels like the Park would be a good place for the party. Maybe special guests will show up!
Send two Sims to the Park for the dinner.)

- Explain about imagination (5 hrs 15 mins)
  (A table has been set up for the party, and… wait… is that a teddy bear eating salad? Your Sim's guest can't believe what they're seeing!
Have a Sim at the Park explain to another Sim that it is their imagination at work.)

- Have 2 Sims sit at the dinner table (5 mins)
  (Your Sim calms down, and smiles. Imagination is powerful, and fun!
Have a Sim sit at the table in the Park again, and have another Sim join them.)

- Check in with the Wizard (1 hr 15 mins)
  (More characters joined the dinner party, and the group ate and laughed until the hour grew late. What a magical experience!
Have a Sim check in with the Wizard at the Park.)

- Dream of magic (19 hrs, 3-star)
  ("That was an amazing party you had!" the Wizard says. "Real magic is what you bring into the world through ideas and dreams. You should try to get some rest and see what happens!"
Have a sim "Dream of Magic" in a bed.)

- Tell a Sim about dream (5 mins)
  (Your Sim tried to dream of magic while sleeping, but the vision of someone they love was all they saw.
Have one Sim tell another they were in the dream.)

- Dance wildly in the rain (12 hrs 15 mins, no rain needed)
  (The Sim blushes as rain begins to fall, but neither Sim seems to care. They can only think about each other and the energy shared between them.
Have two Sims "Dance Wildly" together in the rain.)

- Have 2 sims kiss in the rain (1 min)
  (Your Sims are soaked, and their smiles grow each time they look at each other. A kiss is inevitable.
Have two Sims kiss each other in the rain.)

- Talk to the Wizard (15 mins)
  (The magic of the time spent together in the rain flows through your Sims. The Wizard appears once more at your Sim's home, and looks nervous. He needs to tell your Sim something.
Have a Sim talk to the Wizard at their home.)

- Talk to the Werewolf (5 hrs 15 mins)
  (The Wizard says that the magic created so far has caused a werewolf to appear at the Park, and it won't go home! It just sits on a bench all day and is scaring everyone.
Have a Sim talk to the werewolf in the Park.)

- Think about the Werewolf (19 hrs, 3-star)
  (The werewolf says he was fully Sim, but accidentally changed during a date. He feels sad about it, but his date won't forgive him. He's just going to sit here forever.
Have a Sim think about the werewolf on a seat.)

- Record a video apology (5 mins, in the park)
  (Your Sim has an idea! Maybe if the werewolf's date could see how he felt, they could see him for the Sim he is inside.
Have a Sim record a video apology of the werewolf.)

- Upload video of apology (4 hrs, 3-star)
  (The werewolf records a very heartfelt apology, then continues to sit sadly.
Have a Sim upload the apology to SimBook on a computer.)

- Show in the date's response (12 hrs 15 mins)
  (The apology goes viral, and within hours a response from the werewolf's date returns.
Have a Sim show the date's response to the werewolf in the Park.)

- High-five the Werewolf (3 secs)
  (The werewolf's date now sees him for the Sim he is inside, and wants to go out again. With or without his fur, it doesn't matter! Seeing a Sim for who they are is a magical experience!
Have a Sim high-five the werewolf!)

- Check in with the Wizard (3 hrs 50 mins)
  (Your Sim has been creating magic throughout all of SimTown. Maybe the Wizard's power has returned.
Have a Sim check in with the Wizard at the Park.)

- Think about the origin of magic (19 hrs, 3-star)
  (The Wizard waves his staff and chants words, but nothing happens. Why? Sims are believing in magic again.
Have a Sim think about the origin of magic on a seat.)

- Tell the Wizard about real magic (12hrs 15 mins)
  (Your Sim finished thinking about the magic they have seen recently, and knows where true magic comes from. It comes from within a Sim!
Have a Sim tell the Wizard about real magic inside him.)

- Use the Crystal ball again
  (With a sudden flash, the Wizard disappeared! He must have found the magic inside of himself, and finally returned home. Your Sim should make sure he is ok.
Have a Sim use the crystal ball in the Park.)

- High-five the Wizard (1 sec)
  (The Wizard looks proudly at your Sim. Magic has returned to the Wizard and all of SimTown!
Have a Sim high-five the wizard.
Note: You can get to the Wizard's Cottage with the crystal ball in the Park.)

- Leave the Wizard's cottage (Use the go-home on the tracker, Crystal Balls don't seem to work)
  (Your Sim has shown others the magic that they have inside themselves. It's time to let the Wizard get back to work!
Have all Sims leave the Wizard's Cottage.)

Congratulations, you have unlocked the Potion Brewing Hobby! Get a Potion Brewing Cauldron at the "Promotions 'R' Us" store now, and start creating unpredictable potions!

The Wizard's Cottage template and all of its items are yours to use whenever building on a home lot! (Not free, small and large lots.)

The Potion Brewing Hobby Event follows immediately after finishing the quest.
Details can be found here.

Happy Simming!

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