This event becomes available on the 10th of April and lasts 14 days. If you do not complete this event in time, you'll miss out on "limited-edition sleepwear pack". This means you miss out on the collections for certain age-groups, Adults are the very last!
Sleepwear fashion label Siesta Fiesta is bringing their latest range of night attire to Sim town for a limited time! There are FIVE different packs of sleepwear to collect!
Tip: Send one Sim to a neighbour's town to do the hobby there as well!
- Perform A Modelling Pose (3 hrs 15 mins)
(The fashion event has begun! Sleepwear fashion label, Siesta Fiesta is holding a modelling competition in Sunset Mall! Sims that show poise, style, and ingenuity on the catwalk will win limited-edition sleepwear for all of Sim Town!
Send a Sim to the mall, and have them achieve one pose in the Catwalk Modelling hobby.)
- Complete 12 Modelling Poses
(Impressive! Siesta Fiesta representatives have taken notice of your Sims' smooth style, and are interested to see what else they can do. Show them!
Perform a set of 12 different modelling poses.)
This unlocks the sleepwear for toddlers.
- Complete A 2nd Modelling Pose Set
(Wow! Siesta Fiesta are very impressed and have awarded your Sims with the first set of their new nightwear range! There's a lot more still left to collect.
Complete a 2nd set of modelling poses.)
This unlocks the sleepwear for pre-teens (suddenly called teen in the reward picture).
- Complete A 3rd Modelling Pose Set
(Things are heating up at the Sleepwear Fashion Event! Many more fantastic sleepwear packs are still waiting to be won!
Complete a 3rd set of modelling poses.)
This unlocks the sleepwear for seniors.
- Complete A 4th Modelling Pose Set
(The moves on display so far have been dazzling, elegant, respectable! Your Sims are so hot right now! Siesta Fiesta can't give them the sleepwear packs fast enough!
Complete a 4th set of modelling poses.)
This unlocks the sleepwear for teens (suddenly called tweens in the reward picture).
- Complete A 5th Modelling Pose Set
(The stage is set, and every Sim is cheering. The catwalk lights up... GO! Strut, swagger, work it, and give it your all!
Complete the final set of modelling poses and the last pack of sleepwear will be yours!)
This unlocks the sleepwear for adults.
Your Sims' incredible displays of catwalking prowess have won you every set of sleepwear! Choose your Sims' look from any wardrobe.
The sleepwear collection can be found in the wardrobe, CAS (create-a-sim), stores and is Free! The collection itself is too big to post in pictures, so here are two examples. Please note that you can pick different tops, bottoms, footwear and only footwear can be taken off.
Preteen female:
Adult female:
Happy Simming!
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