
Friday 14 February 2014

Quest: An Alien Concept: Weather Machines

An Alien Concept: Weather Machines: Unlocked at Level 14 to gain access to the Weather Machine and Snow Park.

This is a time-limited quest-line, you're given 2 days.
Reward: Winter Clothing pack for the Costume & Swim Store on the Town Map and Winter Accessories for your Sims (accessible when you create a Sim or through a Wardrobe). (Available in Online Store if you did not finish in time).

Please note that the times for certain objects may vary, they depend on the quality (star level).
Last checked on Family Furnishings update (July 2019)

- Search for UFOs in the Park! (1 min 30 secs)
- Be Nice to an Alien (1 min)
- Become friends with an Alien 
- Go to the Park
- End is Nigh on a Soapbox (9 hrs 30 mins)
- Become Best Friends with the Alien (keep repeating 'Be Nice')
-  Browse Internet (4+ mins)
- Be Nice to Osiris (1 min)
- Spend §16,000 on Electronics 
- Negotiate with a Sim-Eating Plant (3 mins [+45 mins growing lettuce, use a few Sims])
- Read Fine Literature (9 hrs 30 mins)
- Be Rude to Osiris (1 min)
- ‘Woo-Hoo’ (5 mins)
- Deep Sleep (6 hrs 30 mins)
- Be Funny to Osiris (10 secs)
- Play Electronica on a Stereo (2 mins 24 secs)

- Search for UFOs in the Park! (1 min 30 secs)
  (Rumour has it UFOs have been spotted flying erratically over Sim Town! Go to the park and use one of the telescopes to search for UFOs!)

- Be Nice to an Alien (1 min)
  (Your Sim spotted a UFO and watched it descend behind the trees somewhere nearby! It must have landed. Send your Sim back home and see if you can find the alien. If you find it, be nice and say hello!)

- Become friends with an Alien 
  (Okay, now that the friendly welcome is out of the way it’s time to show the alien that this is a peaceful planet. Have one of your Sims become friends with the alien.)

- Go to the Park
  (The alien apologizes for causing Sim Town to panic. He says that he had trouble landing his UFO because his probing device wedged itself under the brake pedal. Hang on – did he say probing device? Quick, get out of there! Send your Sim back to the park!)

- End is Nigh on a Soapbox (9 hrs 30 mins)
  (Phew, safe in nature. Perhaps it’s time to tell the world that the end is nigh. Use the soap box in the park.)

- Become Best Friends with the Alien (keep repeating 'Be Nice')
   (Hmm... That didn’t go so well. The alien and the ducks were the only attendees. Maybe it’s time to try a different angle. Become best friends with the alien.)

-  Browse Internet (4+ mins)
  (The alien says that its name is Osiris and that he’s here to share technology with your Sims. First, Osiris would like to create a ‘HARP’ device. Hmm... what’s a HARP device? Let’s ask the internet, the knower of all things.)

- Be Nice to Osiris (1 min)
  (There it is, right next to an article about potato batteries: 'HARP: Hello, Atmosphere; Rain, Please'. He wants to create a WEATHER MACHINE! Awesome! Be nice to Osiris and find out what you can do to help.)

- Spend §16,000 on Electronics 
  (Before building the Weather Machine, Osiris needs to get familiar with the technology on Sim Planet. Spend §16,000 on Electronics by buying whatever electronic items you like from the Home Store.)

- Negotiate with a Sim-Eating Plant (3 mins [+45 mins growing lettuce, use a few Sims])
  (Good job! Now Osiris would like to analyze the intelligent behavior of plants. Hmmm... where can you find an intelligent plant? Oh, the garden patch!)

- Read Fine Literature (9 hrs 30 mins)
  (Wow! Did you know that a Sim-Eating Plant once wrote a book that is widely considered to be fine literature? I guess it makes sense. I mean, they’re intelligent (arguably) and sometimes wear monocles. While your Sim is in a reading mood, grab some fine literature and read Plants and Prejudice by Herb Austin.)

- Watch a Movie Marathon (8+ hrs)
  (Your Sim just discovered the entire Galaxy Trails series on DVD! Your Sim should watch it. This might be a good chance to learn something about your new friend, Osiris.)

- Be Rude to Osiris (1 min)
  (How do I say this? Osiris is interested in seeing how Sims... show other Sims that they love them very much. Hang on... surely it doesn’t want to watch your Sims woohoo!?
Tell Osiris that he’s being inappropriate.)

- ‘Woo-Hoo’ (5 mins)
  (Osiris says that it needs your Sims to woohoo for science, otherwise he won’t understand how your Sims function well enough to ensure that the Weather Machine doesn't cause (permanent) damage to them. Well, it IS for science...)

- Deep Sleep (6 hrs 30 mins)
  (That was awkward. Why not just go to sleep and pretend that none of this ever happened. Your Sims need to rest anyway. Have a Sim go to bed for a deep sleep.)

-  Be Funny to Osiris (10 secs)
  (All of this research and no play. Why not lighten the fart with a mood joke? Sorry, I meant to say ‘lighten the mood with a fart joke’.)

- Play Electronica on a Stereo (2 mins 24 secs)
  (While you were busy growing fart-beans, Osiris has finished the Weather Machine! Let’s celebrate! Electronica Style!)

For completing the Alien Weather Machine quest, you've unlocked a Weather Machine and the Snow Park on the townmap!

Since you completed the weather machine in record time, you've unlocked the special Snow Outfits. Find them in the costume store, they should be handy in this unpredictable weather!

Please note: Make sure you build the Snow Park before you reach the Senior quest (unlocked at level 21). You'll need it then and if you need to build it during that quest, you'll run out of time.

Happy Simming!

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