
Monday 3 February 2014

Quest: Bird Feeding

Bird Feeding Quest: (Unlocked at Level 24)

Bird Feeding/Befriending:
Your Senior Sims are in the mood for some bird feeding. Complete this quest and unlock a huge range of friendly, sometimes exotic birds for your Senior Sims to discover!
(Complete this quest within the time limit and unlock your very own UNCAGED BIRD! Teach it tricks or have a chat! No one will judge.)

[Note: The first description talks about a range of birds, therefore the hobby could have been called "Bird Spotting" as you need to find certain birds. Internally (game files) it's called "Pigeon Befriending". There is only one bird (Parrot on a Perch) available if the quest is completed within the time limit.]

Time limit: 4 days
All goals can be done with an adult Sim, no seniors required!
(Last verified with the Family Furnishings update (July 2019)).

- Search a Tree at a House for Birds (3 mins 30 secs)
- Read Birdhouse Illustrated Magazine (6 mins 24 secs)
- Read an Encyclopedia (3 hrs 10 mins with 3star bookshelves)
- Grow Pumpkins (24 hrs, can be started before at another house)
- Bake Pumpkin Pie (10 hrs, can be started before at another house)
- Throw Seeds at Park Water Fountain (6 mins)
- Throw Seeds at the Swim Center (6 mins)
- Search a Tree at the Swim Center for Birds (16hrs 30 mins)
- Call a friend (4 mins on 3 star phone)
- Watch Osiris with a Telescope in the Park (7 mins)
- Watch News on a TV (4 mins on 3star TV)
- Be nice to a Sim (1 min)
- Go Bird-Spotting on Park Bench (22 hrs)

- Search a Tree at a House for Birds (3 mins 30 secs)
(One of your Senior Sims just heard a tweeting sound come from their backyard! Maybe it was a bird! Get your Sim to search a tree for birds at home.
Note: If your Senior Sims are having trouble getting around quickly, try 'inspiring' them to put a spring back in their step!)

- Read Birdhouse Illustrated Magazine (6 mins 24 secs)
(No birds. Where could they be? Luckily your Sim owns the entire back-catalogue of Birdhouse Illustrated magazine. Maybe there's some information that could lead to the whereabouts of Sim Town's birds there. Read Birdhouse Illustrated Magazine.
Note:You'll find it in a stack of magazines (available in the Living Room section of the Home Store).)

- Read an Encyclopedia (3 hrs 10 mins with 3star bookshelves)
(There were some great pictures of birds in there, but your Sim needs to know how to actually attract birds to Sim Town. Time for more research. Read an Encyclopedia.)

- Grow Pumpkins (24 hrs, can be started before at another house)
(The Encyclopedia says that you can attract birds to different areas by throwing seeds. Great!  We're going to need seeds. Grow Pumpkins.)

- Bake Pumpkin Pie (10 hrs, can be started before at another house)
(It's time to dry out those pumpkin seeds. Your Sim doesn't want to waste the rest of the pumpkin and has decided that while the seeds dry out in the oven, a sneaky pumpkin pie may be the order of the day. Bake a pumpkin pie.)

- Throw Seeds at Park Water Fountain (6 mins)
(Great! Your Sim recalls being told once that birds also like bird baths! Great! There's a GIANT bird bath at the Park - the Water Fountain! Go to the park, tap the water fountain and throw those pumpkin seeds!)

- Throw Seeds at the Swim Center (6 mins)
(Head down to the Swim Center. There's a nice patch of grass between the palm trees there begging for bird life! You need to spread seeds there!
Tap the grass between the palm trees at the Swim Center and spread the seeds!)

- Search a Tree at the Swim Center for Birds (16hrs 30 mins)
(The seeds have been spread! Okay, search a tree at the Swim Center for birds! One of those palm trees at the Swim Center must have a bird in it...)

- Call a friend (4 mins on 3 star phone)
(Whoa, your Sim just caught a glimpse of a UFO in the sky! It's very far away and travelling very fast. If only there was a way to contact Osiris and ask him what he's up to.
I know, call a friend on a phone. Maybe one of your Sim's friends knows what's going on.)

- Watch Osiris with a Telescope in the Park (7 mins)
(Your Sim's friend says that Osiris is flying out into space to intercept Comet Ison. Apparently this comet is rich in Cessation Ore, a mineral essential for powering a new invention of his. Use a telescope IN THE PARK to watch Osiris intercept a comet! This is going to be quite a show!)

- Watch News on a TV (4 mins on 3star TV)
(Wow, watch him go! Your Sim can see Osiris flying around the comet! I wonder if there's anything on the news about this? Surely there is! Watch the news.)

- Be nice to a Sim (1 min)
(Hmm, no news on Comet Ison. BUT, there is a breaking story about a flock of birds flying into Sim Town! Great! Get your Sim to tell a friend about the birds! Be nice to a Sim.)

- Go Bird-Spotting on Park Bench (22 hrs)
(The news said that a flock of birds has been spotted flying into Sim Town! They're flying in circles high above the town, coming down very slowly. Your Sim is super excited and has decided that they want to be the first to see them.
Get your Sim to pull a slightly overexcited all-night bird-spotting session on a park bench.)

Congratulations! You just unlocked your very own UNCAGED BIRD! NICE! You'll find it in the HOME STORE.

Happy Simming!

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